Listeners to Adventure Rider Radio RAW will almost certainly all know that the latest episode of RAW is just out.
If you’ve not listened into the show before, let me tell you what its all about.

RAW is a monthly show where the panel are sent in questions and topics to discuss. Most of them are from listeners so they are absolutely current and fresh every month.
The panel is usually made up of a bunch of well travelled types; ‘usually’ because sometimes there are guests.
*Travelling and travel writing Brit, currently based in Bulgaria Graham Field,
*Round the worlding scribes and Aussies Brian Rix and Shirley Hardy-Rix,
*Grant Johnson round the worlder and of Horizons Unlimited fame (currently in Canada but never for very long!),
*Canadians Jim Martin the show host who along with his wife Elizabeth, researcher, support team and so much more, are currently based in British Colombia,
*And yours truly. Recently described as a ‘professional bum‘ and currently in the UK! But give me a couple of weeks and…
Because everyone has travelled so much, and in so many ways, parts of the world, types of bikes, in small groups, pillion, solo and so on, the topics tend to have a wide spread of info for listeners to pic up on.

If you’ve never listened to a podcast before, just click the link and listen. Or you can download it to listen to when you are on the move.
That’s part of the fun of a podcast – listen while travelling, working in your garage, doing the washing up, laying on the beach, mowing the lawn or with a bunch of mates round and a beers in hand.
If you are a fan, please crack on and share the link so mates can discover the shows. I need to mention that this episode doesn’t have Brian or Shirley taking part – life got in the way, but they will be back for the next show!