Christian Brix has not let any of us down with his new book. In fact it’s better still. After his journey through Africa, he takes you riding with him on the next stage of his journey; SE Asia up into China, across Myanmar and far into India.
I want to say first, “Buy this book. It’s gripping; just about every page has sentences that don’t simply add to the story, but leap up at you from the paper.”

As you’d expect from a motorcycle travel book, a huge range of topics are covered. People to geography, climate to religion, riding and awe, to the challenges every motorcycle traveller has to deal with when they set out from their home environment to explore. This is a book of passion for travel, and evaluation of self.
I found myself with the feeling that I was completely and at times uncomfortably involved as I followed all the threads of adventure and challenge that are within this book. Those challenges are both physical and mental. There is an awakening for the author which is fascinating to follow.
One of the things I loved about this book is that deftly, and with an incredibly fast pace, this story picked me up from my chair and gave me a darned good shaking. There are very few readers who will not be challenged by the well laid out logic within these pages. Christian Brix does this with a deft skill that takes controversy and turns it into curiosity. With fine balance to those moments he creates descriptions that are so strong that you could be riding beside him as he heads up into the freezing cold of Tibet, or through the noise, heat and dust of India.
There are some who will pick this up and decide not to attempt to understand what’s going on. This is far from being a gentle read. However, I think that the greater percentage of readers, by a very long way, will be riveted to this wonderfully open hearted story of man, machine, mind and the world.
Do I agree with everything Christian has written? No. Was I fascinated following his thought processes? Very much so. It took him 2 years to craft this book, and I use that word with respect for his strengths, honesty and skill.
Do I want to travel at this pace, with this intensity of thought processes? No. I’m too lazy. Have I been enthralled by this book and turned the last page with the sensation that the time reading it has been well spent? Absolutely.
Not Read his first book yet? Here’s a review of ‘Unseen Walls’ from Overland Magazine.