Anything Goes? Well, these two well and truly went! I was contacted by Jim Martin from the Canadian on line radio station Adventure Rider Radio. Would I be willing to be interviewed? ‘If we are going to be talking travel,’ said I, ‘then absolutely.
We had a good yarn too and in the end Jim contacted me to say, ‘I’d like to use the full interview. No editing. It’ll be coming out in two parts!’
May I suggest you make a cuppa before settling back to listen – Jim Martin asks some great questions.
Part 1 begins with Grant Johnson from Horizons Unlimited. He’s talking about a motorcycling pet of his. How to make your motorcycle as comfortable to ride as possible. That, as you’ll find out has a lot to do with how the parts of your motorcycle are configured to your body shape. Interesting, and very doable.
Then part 1 with me rolls out. We are talking books, tales of the road and motorcycles.

I hope you enjoy your tea!